Click Here to Download Our 2022 Impact Report


Another year in the books for Most Wanted and our family could not be more proud to be a small part of the growing and vital industry of resale. This year, we've begun cultivating a connection to this global industry and realised what an honour it is to represent the values and culture of resale in the Okanagan. In 2022, we witnessed not only the acceptance but enthusiasm for pre-loved and vintage fashion here in our community. It's become abundantly clear as we engage with folks and other small businesses in Kelowna that pre-loved fashion is becoming a firm part of our collective style identity. This is exciting to see as a resale business, but even more so as a team who cares deeply about embracing uniqueness in personal style while combating fashion's horrific impact on our planet. 

We're proud to bring you our very first Most Wanted Impact Report, which breaks down the state of resale this year and the positive social and environmental impact we've been able to achieve in the past year. We may only represent a fraction of this expansive industry, but we are nonetheless committed to making as much of a difference as possible. By recirculating clothing, collaborating with local & sustainable businesses, hosting events, and giving back to our non-profit partners we've achieved a lot this year. Who would have thought that buying and selling luxury clothing and accessories could have such a direct impact on our world?

In this report you'll also discover some insights on what's to come for Most Wanted, how we hope to grow our impact and community engagement in 2023!

Read the report here!


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